Tag Archives: promotional merchandise

It’s arrived! Impamark Promotional Merchandise Show


After what seems an eternity our show is finally upon us tomorrow Tuesday 24th April. If you would like to attend then please feel free to turn up between 9.30 and 2.30 at The Manor of Groves Hotel in Sawbridgeworth.

With over 50 people pre registered it looks set to be a great day with 27 suppliers of promotional merchandise available for you to speak with and lots of products to view.

What’s more the event is completely FREE!!!!

For further details and directions please click on the link below



Impamark Promotional Merchandise Showcase

Only one month to go!!!!!

That’s right only one month until our first ever Promotional Merchandise Show in Sawbridgeworth on 24th April. Designed especially for anyone who purchases promotional goods you can meet with 25 specialist suppliers who can show you the latest available products on the market. All set in a relaxed atmosphere within The Manor of Groves Hotel. For further details and to reserve you FREE place please go to the following link
